The city of Arles (Zip Code: 13200) is located in the department of the Bouches-du-Rhône (13), in the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region.
The city of Arles or, as the Italians call it, « THE LITTLE ROMA » has a population of 50,467 inhabitants. It’s partly located in the Natural Park of Camargue.
The city of Arles, one of the biggest of France, covers an area of 758.93 km² that is a density of 144 inhabitants per square kilometer.
It occupies numerous wild lands, located between the deltas of the Rhône.
It brings together eleven villages, the farthest is nearly 40km from the center of the town.
The name of Arles is derived from the word Arelate, of Celtic origin, meaning “place located near the pond”.
The city is more than 2,500 years old. Remarkable monuments were built in Ancient Times and in Roman times by Caesar who regularly stayed on this land. A bust of Caesar was discovered in the Rhône in 2008, proof of his presence and his importance.
Because of its important heritage, the city of ARLES ranks as an art city, and in 1981, its Roman and Romanesque monuments were inscribed on the Humanity World Heritage List, monuments such as the Ancient theater of Arles, the arenas of Arles, the Alyscamps or the Roman circus.
Traditions play an essential role in the town of Arles.
Many festivals are held throughout the year and are widely celebrated. The main events are :
- In April: Feria d’Arles also called Pascal (Easter) Feria, Camargue races and bull fights are in the spotlight.
- In September : the feast of rice, to celebrate the arrival of the new crop of Camargue rice.
- In July : the feast of the Arlesienne costum.
- End of August, ARELATE, highlighting the traditions of the Roman era.
The international photography festival in Arles, in July and August, gathers together many artists, photography amateurs and professionals on various themes, giving free rein to the photographer’s creativity.